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Calmer Solutions Myrrh (Pourable) Essential Oil

A warm and rich  balsamic scent,  May help speed up the healing of words as well as other skin conditions, like eczema, athlete's foot & mouth ulcers  as well as dry chapped skin. May also help ease coughs & colds

Blends Well with benzoin, bergamot, cedar atlas , cinnamon, clary sage, clove bud, cypress, elemi, frankincense, ginger, juniper berry, lavender, marjoram sweet, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, and vetiver.

Price shown is for a 10ml bottle, other sizes and further details available by clicking either the picture or product name.

Product information
The Kidderminster College Aromatherapy kit includes the following;

Pure Essential Oils
Begamot FCF (White) 10ml
Chamomile Tomane 10ml
Frankincense (Olibanum) 10ml
Geranium 10ml
Lavender 10ml
Lemon (Finest) 10ml
Tea Tree 10ml
Tlang Ylang III 10ml
Benzoin Siam 10ml
Black Pepper 10ml

Carrier Oils
Almond Sweet 250ml
Avocado 100ml
Grapeseed 250ml
Wheatgerm 100ml

Wooden 30 compartment oil storage box
50ml Measure 2ml graduated glass cylinder
100ml mixing beaker
Glass stirring rod

Special Note
This product is Myrrh that has 25% DPG added in order to make it pourable at room temperature. We can also supply pure Myrrh but this is viscous at room temperature.
Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha)
Drying Effect On Body, Good For Mouth, Throat Or Lung Problems.
Country of Origin North Africa
Perfume Note Base
Description of Scent
A warm rich, spicy, balsamic scent

Myrrh has been documented to be in use as far back as the Ancient Egyptians, most in the sacred incense dedicated to Isis known as ‘Kyphi’, treat all manner of ills as well as for religious ceremonies., it was used by the Egyptians in their embalming processes, the results of which are still intact today. Myrrh was also used by Egyptian women in cosmetic treatments to reduce wrinkles and preserve a youthful complexion.

Over 2,000 years ago Arabia was the centre of the ‘Spice Trade Route’ none were more myrrh and frankincense were very valuable. Considered sacred to the gods,

From North-Eastern Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, myrrh resin was transported across i deserts for distribution to Assyria, Babylon, China, Egypt, Greece, Rome and Persia. There are many references to the use of myrrh in the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, the Koran, and also Greek and Roman texts.

Extraction Method
Steam Distillation
Elemene, Copaene, Myrrh Alcohols, Eugenol.
Antifungal, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic, Astringent, Carminative, Diuretic, Emmenagogue, Expectorant, Healing, Sedative, Tonic, Uterine, Vulnerary.
Avoid During Pregnancy. Dilute Well On Young Children.

Myrrh essential oil has powerful healing, antiseptic and fungicidal properties, and is particularly useful in helping to speed up the healing of wounds, hives (urticaria), weeping eczema and athlete’s foot.

This oil is also very helpful for treating dry, chapped and cracked skin s, and a few drops added to a carrier cream or lotion massaged into the skin can work wonders aromatherapists may use myrrh essential oil to help to reduce wrinkles due to its ability to help stimulate cellular regeneration. Myrrh is a great skin care oil.

myrrh may also be helpful treating coughs and colds, plus it has an anti-inflammatory effect that can be helpful when treating arthritis .

Blends Well with benzoin, bergamot, cedar atlas , cinnamon, clary sage, clove bud, cypress, elemi, frankincense, ginger, juniper berry, lavender, marjoram sweet, patchouli, rosemary, sandalwood, tea tree, and vetiver

Full SDS and COSSH sheets are available for this product

Technical specifications

Brand: Calmer Solutions Limited
Condition: New
Product Code: 5052211007977
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